Pre-Columbian art


Galerie Furstenberg,

specialist in Pre-columbian art

since 2002

Galerie Furstenberg is a European reference, Specialist, Expert and Dealer in Pre-Columbian art. Permanently, the gallery display in it’s Parisian location of Saint Germain des Prés, a selection of about 60 different Meso-American antic works for sale, namely:

From the cultures of Mexico : Olmec, Guerrero, Colima, Jalisco, Nayarit, Veracruz, Zapotec, Mixtec and Aztec.

From the Mayan’s area: Yucatán, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua and Salvador.

From the Andean civilizations based in Ecuador and Peru : Valdivia, Paracas, Chavin, Nazca, Huari, Mochica, Jama Coaque, Chimu, Chancay and Inca.

Some artifacts from Costa Rica, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina in terracotta, stone, gold, wood or textile.


All our Pre-Columbian works for sale are coming from important international collections and of major auction houses.The two major factors to collect Pre-Columbian art safely and be able to resale it later on, are the provenance and the authenticity guarantees. All the artifacts we are presenting, reached us before the export prohibitions from the origin countries of the 1970s and are systematically and scientifically controlled about their authenticity and integrity. Each artifact sold, comes with our certificate of authenticity and provenance, the scientific test and the Passport of the work for an easy and quick exportation all over the world and a free circulation in the EEC.This is our main added-value comparing to the auctions market, unable to duly control all those major elements, because of the volume of works of Art treated.

All our pre-columbian artifacts inventory is not integrally reproduced on this website. For this reason, dont hesitate to visit our Paris location to face the works or to contact us for any particular work you could research to complete your collection. We ship our works worldwide.


SNA (Syndicat National des Antiquaires) member and CNE (Compagnie Nationale es Experts) expert.